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gospel artinya

kata benda plural: gospels   
contoh kalimat "gospel"
  • Taken together, that's gospel.
    Jatuh bangun kubu kau, bergantung kepada bantuan dari Webb bukan kerana kami.
  • Houseman will never let this gospel get out.
    Houseman tidak akan pernah membiarkan Injil ini keluar.
  • It's just a group of students singing gospel songs.
    Ini hanya sekelompok mahasiswa menyanyikan lagu rohani..
  • In this case, the gospel according to Justin Kenyon.
    Dalam kasus ini, injil menurut Justin Kenyon.
  • He contributed to The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism.
    Ia berkontribusi pada "The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism".
  • Jesus' crucifixion is described in all four canonical gospels.
    Penyaliban Yesus dideskripsikan dalam keempat Injil kanonik.
  • Studies in a Greek Gospel Lectionary" (Greg.
    303)"; Studi mengenai suatu Leksionari Injil bahasa Yunani Greg.
  • The gospel chorus, football, basketball is for the blacks.
    Paduan suara, bola, basket untuk para kulit hitam.
  • But this one is a second-century gospel.
    Tapi yang satu ini adalah Injil abad kedua.
  • AII the gospels, they are interpretations, memories, dreams, reflections.
    Semua Injil, mereka adalah interpretasi, kenangan, mimpi, refleksi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance; "Newton''s writings were gospel for those who followed"

  • an unquestionable truth; "his word was gospel"
    Sinonim: gospel truth,

  • the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group
    Sinonim: religious doctrine, church doctrine, creed,

  • folk music consisting of a genre of a cappella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response; influential on the development of other genres of popular music (especially soul)
    Sinonim: gospel singing,