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hong kong artinya

contoh kalimat "hong kong"
  • They've been inquiring about you all over Hong Kong.
    Mereka telah mencarimu ke seluruh Hong Kong.
  • I send these little knickknacks to Hong Kong.
    Aku mengirim sedikit pernak-pernik ini ke Hong Kong.
  • Don't worry, go with me to Hong Kong
    Jangan risau, awak ikut bersamaku ke Hong Kong.
  • Are you really taking her to Hong Kong?
    Apa awak betul-betul bawa dia ke Hong Kong?
  • So, you are sent to Hong Kong to investigate this case
    Makanya kau dikirim untuk menyelidiki.
  • The Hong Kong shopping centres are so wonderful!
    Semua pelayan di Hong Kong memang begitu lucu
  • In order to start over, we left Hong Kong.
    Untuk memulai kembali, kami meninggalkan Hong Kong.
  • I just want to go back to Hong Kong.
    Aku hanya ingin kembali ke Hong Kong.
  • I wonder how Hong Kong looks upside down.
    Aku ingin tahu bagaimana Hong Kong tampak terbalik.
  • I want the Hong Kong Police handling this.
    Aku mau Kepolisian Hong Kong yang menangani ini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5