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honour artinya

pengucapan: [ 'ɔnə ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: honoured   kata kerja past continuous: honoured   kata kerja present continuous: honouring   
contoh kalimat "honour"
  • It'll be an honour workin' with you.
    Semuanya akan suatu kehormatan workin ' dengan Anda .
  • Grady Hoover. It's an honour to meet you, Mr. Basset, sir.
    Senang bertemu denganmu, Tuan Basset.
  • It`s such an honour to work with you.
    It `s suatu kehormatan untuk bekerja dengan Anda.
  • To honour and respect them is our foremost duty.
    Menjaga kehormatan itu adalah kewajiban bagi kita.
  • And now it's time for award of greatest honour.
    Dan kini saatnya untuk penghargaan yang terbesar.
  • "this relation of love, we must honour together"
    " Hubungan cinta ini, kita harus menghormati bersama"
  • I give my family her lost honour back.
    Aku memberi keluarga saya yang hilang kehormatan kembali.
  • We have come here to defend our honour.
    Kami datang ke sini untuk membela kehormatan kami.
  • You'll fight Seymour for honour of green belt.
    Kau melawan Seymour sebagai kehormatan untuk sabuk hijau.
  • It is your duty, your honour, to follow in his footsteps
    Tugasmu, kehormatanmu, mengikuti langkah kakinya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a woman''s virtue or chastity
    Sinonim: honor, purity, pureness,

  • the quality of being honorable and having a good name; "a man of honor"
    Sinonim: honor,

  • a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery"
    Sinonim: award, accolade, honor, laurels,

  • the state of being honored
    Sinonim: honor, laurels,

  • Kata kerja
  • accept as pay; "we honor checks and drafts"
    Sinonim: honor,

  • show respect towards; "honor your parents!"
    Sinonim: respect, honor, abide by, observe,

  • bestow honor or rewards upon; "Today we honor our soldiers"; "The scout was rewarded for courageous action"
    Sinonim: honor, reward,