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iraq inquiry artinya

contoh kalimat "iraq inquiry"
  • On 29 October 2009, HM Government published a Protocol in agreement with the Iraq Inquiry on the treatment of sensitive written and electronic information.
    Pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2009, Pemerintah Britania Raya menerbitkan Protokol mengenai perlakuan terhadap informasi yang sensitif baik berupa tulisan maupun elektronik.
  • The Iraq Inquiry (also referred to as the Chilcot Inquiry after its chairman, Sir John Chilcot) was a British public inquiry into the nation's role in the Iraq War.
    Laporan Chilcot (nama berasal ketua komite, Sir John Chilcot) adalah hasil penyelidikan publik mengenai keterlibatan Britania Raya selama Perang Irak.