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iron artinya

pengucapan: [ 'aiən ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: ironed   kata kerja past continuous: ironed   kata benda plural: irons   kata kerja present continuous: ironing   
contoh kalimat "iron"
  • The iron in our blood is rusty nails.
    Zat besi dalam darah kami adalah paku berkarat.
    Chisum, yang mana diantara orang ini yang tercepat dengan senjata?
  • Iron sulfide, also known as Fool's Gold.
    'Iron Sulfide' (Sulfida Besi) juga dikenal sebagai Emas Tiruan.
  • Everyone seems to be Iron Monkey in my eyes.
    Semuanya terlihat seperti Kera Besi di mataku.
  • If Iron Monkey appears, then we're in trouble.
    Jika Kera Besi datang kita akan dalam masalah.
  • Are you Wong Kei-ying who fought Iron Monkey?
    Apa kau Wong Kei-ying, yang melawan Kera Besi?
  • You`ll get an iron Cross for that, sir.
    Kamu akan dapat Salib Besi untuk itu, Pak.
  • Iron Will, can we run with ya?
    Iron Will , bisa kita jalankan dengan ya ?
  • Furnaces produce iron for making M's weapons of destruction.
    Tungku menghasilkan besi untuk membuat senjata pemusnah.
  • And, women need more iron than men.
    Dan, wanita membutuhkan lebih banyak zat besi daripada laki-laki.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • extremely robust; "an iron constitution"
    Sinonim: cast-iron,

  • Kata kerja
  • press and smooth with a heated iron; "press your shirts"; "she stood there ironing"
    Sinonim: iron out, press,

  • Kata benda
  • home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth
    Sinonim: smoothing iron,

  • a golf club that has a relatively narrow metal head

  • implement used to brand live stock
    Sinonim: branding iron,

  • a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood
    Sinonim: Fe, atomic number 26,