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italy artinya

contoh kalimat "italy"
  • They've lived in Italy for a number of years.
    Mereka tinggal di Italia selama beberapa tahun.
  • The Lipari island group off the coast of Italy.
    Kelompok pulau Lipari di lepas pantai Italia.
  • I'm going back to Italy to my parents.
    Aku akan kembali ke Italia ke orang tuaku.
  • Two terms, one in Italy, one here.
    Dua kali dipenjara, sekali di Italia, sekali di sini.
  • Harry, the godfather in Italy offers you a contract.
    Harry, boss di Italy menawarkan mu contract.
  • The Lipari Island group off the coast of Italy.
    Pulau Lipari berada di lepas pantai Italia.
  • In Italy, you get chickens but no eggs.
    Di Italia, ada ayam, tapi tak ada telur.
  • I'm from Italy, but my parents are Russian.
    Aku dari ltalia, tapi orang tuaku orang Russia.
  • Found a round-trip ticket to Turin, Italy, yesterday.
    Kita menemukan tiket pulang-pergi ke Turin, Italia, kemarin.
  • That night she left for a holiday to Italy..
    Malam itu dia pergi liburan ke ltalia.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5