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knell artinya

kata kerja past tense: knelled   kata kerja past continuous: knelled   kata kerja present continuous: knelling   
contoh kalimat "knell"
  • A bullet for Belle or ring your death knell
    Satu peluru buat Belle atau bunyikan kematianmu perlahan-lahan.
  • Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell.
    Bidadari laut membunyikan loncengnya.
  • "A wrenchess leek knell."
    "A wrenchess leek knell."
  • Hear it not, Duncan for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell.
    Duncan... ...untuk itu lonceng memanggilmu ke surga... ...atau ke neraka.
  • The market's opening bell this morning will be the final death knell of Evil Corp.
    Pembukaan pasar bursa pagi ini, akan jadi lonceng kematian bagi Evil Corp.
  • The pain in your joints when you take your man, or knell to the God?
    Rasa sakit di sendimu ketika kau berpisah dengan suami.., atau bersimpuh di hadapan Tuhan?
  • Whichever had the stronger effect, the combination of these events sounded the death knell for the dinosaurs.
    Mana yang telah pengaruh kuat, kombinasi peristiwa ini membunyikan lonceng kematian untuk dinosaurus.
  • Across rural South Korea, falling birth rates and migration to the cities is sounding the death knell for many village schools.
    Di seluruh pedesaan Korea Selatan, penurunan angka kelahiran dan migrasi ke kota-kota merupakan lonceng kematian bagi banyak sekolah desa.
  • Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sounded the death knell for the industry in the mid-1980s when she defeated a bitter year-long miners’ strike against plans to close collieries and eliminate jobs.
    Mantan Perdana Menteri Margaret Thatcher membunyikan lonceng kematian bagi industri di pertengahan 1980 ketika dia mengalahkan pemogokan pahit selama satu tahun terhadap rencana untuk menutup collier dan menghilangkan pekerjaan.
  • We acknowledge you as a serious opponent, and we are prepared for a long, long campaign. You will not prevail forever against the angry masses of the body politic. Your methods, hypocrisy, and the artlessness of your organization have sounded its death knell.
    Kami mengakui Anda sebagai lawan yang serius, dan kami siap untuk kampanye yang panjang dan panjang. Anda tidak akan menang selamanya melawan massa marah dari politik tubuh. Metode, kemunafikan, dan ketidakberdayaan organisasi Anda telah terdengar lutut kematiannya.
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    Kata benda
  • the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death or a funeral or the end of something

  • Kata kerja
  • make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; "Ring the bells"; "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"
    Sinonim: ring,

  • ring as in announcing death