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location artinya

pengucapan: [ ləu'keiʃən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: locations   
contoh kalimat "location"
  • Thank God I announced the locations and everything.
    Berkat Tuhan, saya dapat mengumumkan lokasi dan segalanya.
  • Temperature at intruder location, temperature drop rapid now.
    Suhu pada lokasi penyusup, suhu drop cepat sekarang.
  • These locations should be secure for 71 hours.
    Lokasi ini harus mengamankan selama 71 jam .
  • We may have a location on Freddy Allen.
    Kami mungkin memiliki lokasi di Freddy Allen .
  • We're going to meet at a new location.
    Kita akan untuk bertemu di lokasi baru .
  • Possible location of Rambaldi Artefact discovered in Tunisia.
    Kemungkinan lokasi Rambaldi Artefak ditemukan di Tunisia .
  • The location of the first homicide, and the second homicide.
    Lokasi pembunuhan pertama, dan pembunuhan kedua.
  • I am on my way back home from location trip.
    "Aku Dalam Perjalanan Pulang Dari Lokasi".
  • According to police, she died just after that location work.
    Menurut "Polisi", "Dia Mati Sepulang Syuting".
  • All the participants of that location work one after another
    "Semua Yang Terlibat Syuting" "Kena Musibah"
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