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meddled with artinya

contoh kalimat "meddled with"
  • Well, it's unlikely the electric company meddled with it.
    Nah, tidak mungkin perusahaan elektronik mengubahnya.
  • Powerful and when meddled with, dangerous.
    Sangat kuat tapi jika dipermainkan, akan berbahaya.
  • People don't like to be meddled with.
    Orang takkan suka jika urusannya dicampuri.
  • You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Hamlin and I won't have it.
    Kau rusak keseimbangan alam, Tn. Hamlin dan aku tak terima.
  • I just do. Look, if I hadn't meddled with her career, maybe she wouldn't have died.
    Jika aku tidak ikut campur dalam karirnya, mungkin dia tidak akan mati.
  • The last time you meddled with the past, it cost your father his life. But, look at what's at stake.
    Terakhir kali kau berurusan dengan masa lalu, itu mengorbankan nyawa ayahmu, tetapi Clark, lihat apa yang dipertaruhkan.
  • Oh, she should never have meddled with a real harpy, or a real unicorn for that matter, because the truth melts her magic, always.
    Oh, seharusnya ia tak berurusan dengan Harpy asli, atau Unicorn asli, karena kenyataan melunturkan sihirnya, selalu.