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national artinya

pengucapan: [ 'næʃənəl ]  audio:
kata benda plural: nationals   
contoh kalimat "national"
  • I'm also the national football player for South Africa, Banyana Banyana.
    untuk Afrika Selatan, Bafana Bafana,
  • It's in NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
    NOAA, Badan Administrasi Samudera dan Atmosfer Nasional.
  • Behind that door is the National Judicial Archives.
    Di balik pintu itu adalah arsip peradilan nasional.
  • I proposed this stupid story to National Geographic.
    Saya menawarkan cerita bodoh ini ke National Geographic.
  • Yesterday you had a customer, picked him up outside the National Archives.
    Menjemputnya diluar Arsip Nasional.
  • Arrangements for the wedding, invitations, a national holiday.
    Persiapan untuk Pesta Pernikahan, Undangan, Hari libur nasional.
  • But where the hell are those National Guard choppers?
    Tapi di mana mereka helikopter penjaga Nasional?
  • Hackers are a grave threat to the national security.
    Hacker adalah ancaman besar terhadap keamanan nasional.
  • You are so messing with national security right now, man.
    Kamu bermain-main dengan keamanan nasional, bung.
  • This is no way to treat a national hero.
    Ini ada cara untuk mengobati pahlawan nasional.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • concerned with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country; "the national government"; "national elections"; "of national concern"; "the national highway system"; "national forests"

  • limited to or in the interests of a particular nation; "national interests"; "isolationism is a strictly national policy"

  • of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country; "national hero"; "national anthem"; "a national landmark"

  • of or relating to nationality; "national origin"

  • characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation; "a national trait"

  • Kata sifat
  • inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nation''s internal politics"
    Sinonim: home, interior, internal,

  • owned or maintained for the public by the national government; "national parks"

  • Kata benda
  • a person who owes allegiance to that nation; "a monarch has a duty to his subjects"
    Sinonim: subject,