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north america artinya

contoh kalimat "north america"
  • North America was somewhere over close to Europe.
    Amerika Utara suatu tempat lebih dekat ke Eropa.
  • Today, French Canadians live across North America.
    Saat ini, orang Prancis Kanada tersebar di Amerika Utara.
  • This game was never released in North America.
    Permainan ini tidak pernah dirilis di Amerika Utara.
  • It is licensed in North America by Vertical.
    Manga ini dilisensikan di Amerika Utara oleh Vertical.
  • They are more expensive in places like North America.
    Mereka lebih mahal di tempat-tempat seperti Amerika Utara.
  • In North America, it's called the Big Dipper.
    Di Amerika Utara, hal itu disebut Biduk.
  • South America was not connected to North America.
    Amerika Selatan tidak tersambung ke Amerika Utara.
  • It's the most expensive real estate in North America.
    Ini perumahan termahal di Amerika Utara.
  • The eastern coastline of North America has been affected.
    Garis pantai timur Utara Amerika telah terkena dampak.
  • I own the largest manufacturer in North America.
    Aku pemilik pabrik terbesar di Amerika Utara.
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