Masuk Daftar

number of artinya

contoh kalimat "number of"
  • And what came up was a number of pieces of data.
    Lalu muncul sejumlah potongan-potongan data.
  • They've lived in Italy for a number of years.
    Mereka tinggal di Italia selama beberapa tahun.
  • India and China have the largest number of cycles.
    India dan Cina mempunyai jumlah sepeda terbesar.
  • And so we first measured the number of notes.
    Dan jadi kami pertama mengukur jumlah nada
  • The small number of simple principles were very, very simple.
    Beberapa prinsip sederhana yang benar-benar sederhana.
  • I think there's a number of pillars to success.
    Saya percaya ada sejumlah fondasi untuk sukses.
  • The competition once again attracted a large number of media
    Pertandingan ini menarik perhatian mass media.
  • He has missed an unacceptable number of school days.
    Dia sudah terlalu banyak tidak masuk sekolah.
  • The number of days between the 1st and the 30th
    Jumlah hari antara 1 dan 30
  • I need to know the exact number of survivors.
    Aku ingin tahu berapa jumlah pasti korban.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5