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of late artinya

contoh kalimat "of late"
  • late:    allahyarham; lambat; lewat; terlambat; larut;
  • as of late:    baru-baru ini; belakangan ini; akhir-akhir ini
  • as of late with:    sepertinya lambat dengan
  • be late:    lewat; lat; terlambat; telat
  • late:    allahyarham; lambat; lewat; terlambat; larut; mantan; mendiang; lat; kasip; telat; pemimpin; baru; belakangan; terlewat; baharu; terlepas; baru-baru ini; dalam damai; kemudian; akhir; almarhumah; da
  • the late:    almarhum
  • early and late:    dari pagi sampai malam
  • late afternoon:    setelah siang; late afternoon (film); sore; petang
  • late antiquity:    abad kuno akhir; hujung baharian
  • late at night:    larut malam
  • late cretaceous:    zaman kapur akhir; zaman batu kapur akhir
  • late ignition:    penyalaan terlabat
  • late in the night:    jauh malam
  • late pleistocene:    pleistosen akhir
  • late spring:    filem late spring
  • And, the father of late Akhilesh Anand, the engineer.
    Dan, ayah dari insinyur almarhum Akhilesh Anand.
  • As I do by the way you've afforded yourself of late.
    Sama seperti dirimu yang tertunda.
  • Her exploits of late... seem to have clouded that memory.
    Tindakannya belakangan ini tampaknya membutakan pikirannya.
  • I'd come to know Martin and Eve very well of late.
    Aku kenal dengan Martin dan Eve.
  • I'm not going to try to explain my actions of late.
    Aku takkkan menjelaskan tindakanku belakangan ini.
  • I heard he's been up to something as of late.
    Kudengar dia tengah mengurusi sesuatu sehingga terlambat.
  • Kind of late to be wandering around, isn't it?
    Ini sudah larut untuk berkeliaran, 'kan?
  • I only thought of them as blue of late.
    Aku hanya berfikir bahwa mereka penghalang.
  • They've been much more rewarding as of late.
    Mereka sudah jauh lebih menguntungkan akhir-akhir ini.
  • I'm kind of late for school, I need to go.
    Aku telat ke sekolah. Aku harus pergi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"
    Sinonim: recently, late, lately, latterly, recently, late, lately, latterly,

  • in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"
    Sinonim: recently, late, lately, latterly, recently, late, lately, latterly,