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park artinya

pengucapan: [ pɑ:k ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: parked   kata kerja past continuous: parked   kata benda plural: parks   kata kerja present continuous: parking   
contoh kalimat "park"
  • And the film "Jurassic Park" actually really helped us.
    Film "Jurassic Park" sebenarnya sangat membantu kami.
  • And I stood in the park giving signals.
    Saya berdiri di taman itu dan memberi aba-aba.
  • Rezero could be used in exhibitions or parks.
    Rezero dapat digunakan dalam pameran atau tempat parkir.
  • Very basic stuff, slightly suggestive of public park signage.
    Sangat mendasar, sedikit sugestif untuk plang taman.
  • I met her at the fountain in the park.
    "Aku bertemu dengannya di taman air mancur."
  • They're thieves from the other side of the park.
    Mereka adalah pencuri dari sisi lain taman.
  • Yes, "De-om" is written on all the park walls.
    Ya, "De-om" ditulis pada semua dinding taman.
  • This rude little punk won't park my car.
    Anak kasar ini gag mau parkirin mobil gue.
  • Do you mind if we park for a while?
    Apa kau keberatan jika kita menetap sebentar?
  • I'm gonna pull in the parking garage and I'll wait.
    Aku akan menunggu di tempat parkir.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a facility in which ball games are played (especially baseball games); "take me out to the ballpark"
    Sinonim: ballpark,

  • a gear position that acts as a parking brake; "the put the car in park and got out"

  • a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property; "there are laws that protect the wildlife in this park"
    Sinonim: parkland,

  • a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area; "they went for a walk in the park"
    Sinonim: commons, common, green,

  • a lot where cars are parked
    Sinonim: parking lot, car park, parking area,

  • Kata kerja
  • place temporarily; "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"

  • maneuver a vehicle into a parking space; "Park the car in front of the library"; "Can you park right here?"