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penis artinya

pengucapan: [ 'pi:nis ]  audio:
kata benda plural: penes   
contoh kalimat "penis"
  • There were minute quantities on his lips and penis.
    Ada sedikit sisa di bibir dan penisnya
  • I thought my penis would get smaller and disappear.
    Aku kira penisku akan mengecil dan menghilang.
  • "Your penis is so strong Your penis is so smooth
    "Penismu begitu kuat Penismu begitu lembut
  • "Your penis is so strong Your penis is so smooth
    "Penismu begitu kuat Penismu begitu lembut
  • "Your penis is so big Your penis is so thick
    "Penismu begitu besar Penismu begitu tebal
  • "Your penis is so big Your penis is so thick
    "Penismu begitu besar Penismu begitu tebal
  • "Your penis is so hard Your penis is so large
    "Penismu begitu keras Penismu begitu lebar
  • "Your penis is so hard Your penis is so large
    "Penismu begitu keras Penismu begitu lebar
  • I'd never seen a penis in the daylight
    Aku belum pernah melihat penis di siang hari
  • Apologize with a penis and forgiven with an orgasm
    Maaf dengan penis dan diampuni dengan orgasme
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the male organ of copulation (`member'' is a euphemism)
    Sinonim: phallus, member,