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rested artinya

contoh kalimat "rested"
  • I feel so good and cool and rested.
    Aku merasa sangat baik dan dingin dan beristirahat.
  • I rested, I exercised. Thank you very much, Betsy.
    Aku sudah istirahat, bersenang-senang, terimakasih banyak, Betsy.
  • No, thanks to you we rested well.
    Tidak, terima kasih kepada Anda kami beristirahat dengan baik.
  • The doctor was very specific about keeping you rested.
    Dokter sudah menjelaskan kalau kau harus istirahat.
  • Fit and rested. Could you give us a moment, please, Robert?
    Kami butuh waktu sebentar, Robert.
  • The men have barely rested since Melia Ridge.
    Mreka nyaris tak istirahat sjak dari Melia Ridge.
  • I just want to make sure that he's well rested.
    Aku ingin dia istirahat yang cukup.
  • God rested because he'd finished creating the world.
    Tuhan beristirahat karena Ia sudah selesai menciptakan dunia.
  • Take plenty of time and get rested up.
    Kalau begitu hati-hatilah dan jangan lupa istirahat.
  • Before you proceed, Your Honor, the defense hasn't rested yet.
    Sebelum dilanjutkan, Yang Mulia, pembela belum selesai.
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