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resuscitate artinya

pengucapan: [ ri'sʌsiteit ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "resuscitate"
  • The doctors on the scene were unable to resuscitate him.
    Dokter ditempat kejadian tidak dapat menyadarkannya.
  • Kay-Em unit thinks we can resuscitate the female.
    Unit Kay-Em bilang yang Wanita bisa Dihidupkan.
  • Efforts were made to resuscitate the victim, but unfor--
    Mereka berupaya menyelamatkan korban, tapi sayang--
  • They only just managed to resuscitate him.
    Mereka berhasil mendapatkan kembali denyut jantungnya.
  • It's gonna take an act of God to resuscitate this market.
    Butuh tindakan dari Tuhan untuk hidupkan kembali pasar ini.
  • How will you resuscitate him?
    Lalu bagaimana kamu akan membangkitkannya?
  • To resuscitate Japan and its 3.6 million refugees, we'll need a new leader and a new cabinet.
    Sesuai skenariomu? Itu bukan skenarioku.
  • You didn't resuscitate her right.
    Anda tidak menyadarkan kanannya.
  • Resuscitate him. Quickly! Hurry up!
    Bangkitkan dia, segera, cepat!
  • Prisoner 297 had a heart attack and I had to resuscitate him again.
    Tahanan 297 kena serangan jantung. dan harus kubangkitkan lagi dia.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata kerja
  • return to consciousness; "The patient came to quickly"; "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection"
    Sinonim: come to, revive,

  • cause to regain consciousness; "The doctors revived the comatose man"
    Sinonim: revive,