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ripple artinya

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contoh kalimat "ripple"
  • My presence here barely stirred a ripple.
    Keberadaan saya di sini hampir tidak mengaduk sebuah riak.
  • "The plummeting stock sent a ripple through investment houses.
    "Saham jatuh mengirimkan sebuah reaksi melalui investasi rumah.
  • Put simply, some future events ripple backwards.
    Sederhananya, beberapa peristiwa di masa depan beriak mundur.
  • Even a ripple can expand and ?affect our lives.
    Bahkan riak dapat merubah dan mempengaruhi kehidupan kita.
  • There won't be a spasmodic catastrophic ripple in the space-time continuum.
    Tidak akan menjadi masalah yang besar.
  • Malt Liquor, ripple, grape soda or Kool-Aid?
    Malt Liquor, ripple, grape soda atau Kool-Aid?
  • It's gonna ripple through the whole team.
    Hal ini akan riak untuk seluruh tim.
  • Maybe there are emotional stampedes that ripple through social networks.
    Mungkin ada serbuan emosi yang bergelora melalui jaringan sosial.
  • Being alive after we were supposed to die, it caused an outward ripple.
    Hidup sesudah takdir kematian, menyebabkan kerutan-kerutan.
  • The bomb in downtown LA continues to have ripple effects.
    Bom di tengah kota LA terus membuat efek beruntun.
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