sal soda artinya
- soda: air soda; minuman soda; eskrim soda; soda; limun;
- soda: air soda; minuman soda; eskrim soda; soda; limun; minuman tanpa alkohol; tonik
- anhydrous soda: soda bebas-air
- baking soda: tepung soda; soda kue
- bicarbonate of soda: soda kue
- caustic soda: soda kaustik
- chloride of soda: khlor-natrium
- club soda: air soda
- cream soda: krim soda
- soda ash: abu soda; soda
- soda bread: roti soda
- soda cracker: kue kering asin
- soda fountain: tempat penjualan minuman
- soda jerk: pelayan kedai eskrim
- soda lake: danau soda
- Kata benda
- a sodium salt of carbonic acid; used in making soap powders and glass and paper
Sinonim: sodium carbonate, washing soda, soda ash, soda,