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scamper artinya

pengucapan: [ 'skæmpə ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: scampered   kata kerja past continuous: scampered   kata benda plural: scampers   kata kerja present continuous: scampering   
contoh kalimat "scamper"
  • Scamper on back to the woods, little buddy.
    Cepat lari, Kembali ke hutan sekarang teman kecil.
  • Okay, scamper on back to the woods, little buddy.
    Baiklah scamper, kembalilah ke hutan teman kecil.
  • "Demons and monsters will tremble with fear and scamper..."
    Iblis dan setan akan gemetar ketakutan dan lari..
  • Any idea where he scampered off to?
    Kau tahu dia ke mana?
  • After the Fotomat was destroyed, the bear scampered back into the woods.
    Setelah penghancuran FotoMat beruang itu berlari kembali ke hutan.
  • As soon as we scamper off.
    Segera setelah kami berlari keluar.
  • Do yourself a favor. Scamper.
    Bantulah dirimu dengan pergi.
  • It's clear that the elephant scampered through the forest for 100 meter.
    Hal ini jelas bahwa gajah tersebut berlari melintasi hutan sepanjang 100 meter.
  • Must be all the exercise I get scampering up and down these stairs like a wee lad.
    Latihanku hanya naik-turun tangga ini seperti orang bodoh.
  • Alright, so I downloaded some footage before Deborah's little... night scamper into the garden, yeah?
    Baiklah, aku telah men-download beberapa rekaman sebelum Deborah berkebun.. malam lagi, ya?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata benda
  • rushing about hastily in an undignified way
    Sinonim: scramble, scurry,

  • Kata kerja
  • to move about or proceed hurriedly; "so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground"
    Sinonim: scurry, skitter, scuttle,