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scurry artinya

pengucapan: [ 'skʌri ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: scurried   kata kerja past continuous: scurried   kata benda plural: scurries   kata kerja present continuous: scurrying   
contoh kalimat "scurry"
  • All right, little mice, scurry back to your holes.
    Baiklah, tikus kecil, segera kembali ke lubangmu.
  • Scurrying across the field in the middle of the day?
    Berlarian di lapangan di tengah hari?
  • Well, even a rat will make him scurry.
    Dia juga merasa ketakutan jika melihat seekor tikus.
  • You don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding.
    Tak ada yang bisa bersembunyi.
  • Let's see you scurry out of this.
    Mari kita lihat apa kau bisa mengatasii ini.
  • Bugs, you'd better scurry away or I'll sweep you out
    Aku sudah muak dengan ini.
  • February 1, "Doesn't scurry." February 3, "Didn't cower."
    Tidak berjalan dengan cepat. Tidak merasa takut.
  • The ambulance scurries off to wherever it's required.
    Ambulans akan pergi ke mana pun ditempat yang dibutuhkan.
  • Scared little mouse scurrying across my garden and through my front door.
    "Tikus Ketakutan" yang menyelinap cari "Pintu".
  • 'Where do you scurry to, silly? '
    Yang mana buat kamu lari pantas, bodoh?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • rushing about hastily in an undignified way
    Sinonim: scamper, scramble,

  • Kata kerja
  • to move about or proceed hurriedly; "so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground"
    Sinonim: scamper, skitter, scuttle,