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snipe artinya

pengucapan: [ snaip ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: sniped   kata kerja past continuous: sniped   kata benda plural: snipes   kata kerja present continuous: sniping   
contoh kalimat "snipe"
  • snipe at:    menembak sembunyi-sembunyi
  • common snipe:    burung berkek ekor kipas; berkik ekor kipas
  • swinhoe's snipe:    berkik rawa; burung berkek tirok
  • wood snipe:    berkek kayu
  • greater painted-snipe:    berkik-kembang besar; burung meragi
  • pin-tailed snipe:    burung berkek bintik; berkik ekor-lidi
  • snip off:    menggunting; menjepit; memangkas; mengetip; menjentik; mengetam
  • snip:    guntingan; harga murah; memotong; potongan; menunasi; menjepit; potong; mengurangi; memahat; petikan; clik; nukilan; memangkas; menutuh; carikan; membebat; perca; memagas; keratan; mengetam; reja; g
  • snina district:    daerah snina
  • sniped at:    menembak sembunyi
  • sniper:    penembak runduk; gelap; penembak jitu
  • sniper advanced targeting pod:    lockheed martin sniper xr
  • Severe spatial distortion also makes sniping from various angles impossible.
    "Serangan Dari Bawah" juga mustahil dilakukan.
  • Did you come to shoot snipe or criticize me?
    Kau datang untuk berburu atau mengkritikku ?
  • How much warning did you give people before you sniped them?
    ...bahwa aku tahu semua mengenai itu
  • I'm talking Wesley Snipes don't pay his taxes bad.
    Wesley Snipes saja tak membayar pajaknya itu buruk.
  • The M-24 U.S. Sniping System barrel uses that twist.
    M--24 AS Sistem sniping barel menggunakan twist itu.
  • I remember in Finland, was out sniping.
    Aku masih ingat sewaktu di Finlandia. Amunisi menipis.
  • There's so many snipes there must be something wrong
    There's so many snipes there must be something wrong
  • Why there is a snipe?
    Jika kau tidak merokok dilantai tidak mungkin ada puntung.
  • They got sniping in the Olympics now?
    Mereka kini mempertandingkan penembak jitu di Olimpiade?
  • It appears Madeline sent us on a good old-fashioned snipe hunt.
    Tampaknya Madeline mengirim kita hanya untuk berburu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a gunshot from a concealed location

  • Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks

  • Kata kerja
  • attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
    Sinonim: attack, round, assail, lash out, assault,

  • aim and shoot with great precision
    Sinonim: sharpshoot,

  • hunt or shoot snipe