struggle artinya
pengucapan: [ 'strʌgl ] audio:
kata kerja past tense: struggled kata kerja past continuous: struggled kata benda plural: struggles kata kerja present continuous: struggling
- bergelut
- berjuang
- meronta-ronta
- berusaha keras
- memberontak
- perjuangan
- memperjuangkan
- serang
- berusaha
- gaduh
- bersusah payah
- persengketaan
- bercakar-cakaran
- bergumul
- merelas
- membeset
- tengkar
- usaha
- kerja keras
- pertikaian
- protes
- bersabung
- tarung
- berontak
- percobaan
- kesusahan
- memanjat
- bertempur
- melapah
- juang
- ulet
- bergusti
- upaya
- merangkak
- berkelahi
- pancakara
- konflik
- berhantam
- bertarung
- memberantas
- perlawanan
- peperangan
- bergaduh
- meronta
- perselisihan
- susah
- berperang
- perebutan
- niat
- beradu
- pertarungan
- bercakak
- merontak
- pertempuran
- bertenggang
- bergulat
- bergocoh
- berlaga
- penggunaan
- berlawan
- sengketa
- melawan
- lawan
- struggle for: sungguh-sungguh; usaha; kerja keras; berjuang
- struggle with: berjuang keras untuk mengatasi
- class struggle: pertentangan golongan; perjuangan kelas
- our struggle: perjuangan kita
- political struggle: perjuangan politik
- struggle along: bersusah payah maju; hidup pas-pasan
- struggle in the pier: sira` fi al-mina
- struggle session: sesi perjuangan
- wage a struggle: memperjuangkan
- waged a struggle: memperjuangkan
- waging a struggle: memperjuangkan
- functional party of struggle: partai karya perjuangan
- hand-to-hand struggle: pemberantasan; pencegahan; gelut; gusti; pembasmian
- new indonesia party of struggle: partai kedaulatan bangsa indonesia baru
- palestinian popular struggle front: psf (palestina)
- The struggle must remain between you and him.
Pertentangan harus dibatasi hanya antara kau dan dia. - A real struggle, from the womb to the tomb.
Sebuah perjuangan nyata, dari rahim ke kubur. - Because Birmingham was part of the civil rights struggle.
Sebab Birmingham adalah bagian dari perjuangan HAM. - Karen and I can struggle along without Will.
Karen dan aku bisa berjuang bersama tanpa Will. - ? Though they know they gotta struggle ?
? Walau mereka tahu mereka bersusah payah ? - Sexuality is gay the highest form of class struggle.
Seksualitas adalah gay bentuk tertinggi perjuangan kelas. - Thank you, brother, to help us our struggle.
Terima kasih, saudara, untuk membantu kami perjuangan kami. - That struggle is as old as the human race.
Pertentangan itu sama tuanya dengan ras manusia. - He must've dropped this in the struggle with Chloe.
Dia pasti menjatuhkan ini saat membawa Chloe. - Without a hunting platform, he'll struggle to survive.
Tanpa tempat berburu, dia akan susah bertahan hidup.
- Kata benda
- strenuous effort; "the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her"
- an energetic attempt to achieve something; "getting through the crowd was a real struggle"; "he fought a battle for recognition"
Sinonim: battle, - an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"
Sinonim: conflict, battle, Kata kerja - be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight; "the tribesmen fought each other"; "Siblings are always fighting"; "Militant groups are contending for control of the country"
Sinonim: contend, fight, - to exert strenuous effort against opposition; "he struggled to get free from the rope"
- climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
Sinonim: clamber, scramble, shin, shinny, skin, sputter, - make a strenuous or labored effort; "She struggled for years to survive without welfare"; "He fought for breath"
Sinonim: fight,