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tale artinya

pengucapan: [ teil ]  audio:
kata benda plural: tales   
contoh kalimat "tale"
  • Feelings like that only exist in fairy tales.
    Perasaan bagus seperti itu milik buku cerita dongeng.
  • Someone starts telling us fairy tales, and we're listenin'!
    Seseorang mulai menceritakan dongeng, dan kami mendengarkan!
  • No one was there to hear my tales
    No one was there to hear my tales
  • Well, his friends say, look, life's no fairy tale
    Yah, teman-temannya berkata, lihat, hidup tidak dongeng
  • But your part in this tale is over.
    Tapi bagian kalian dalam kisah ini sudah berakhir.
  • The madeira coursing down tells... tales of hearts.
    Madeira yang mengalir turun menceritakan... kisah tentang hati.
  • To share our great treasures and tales of Asia.
    Untuk berbagi harta dan cerita tentang Asia.
  • Tell us the tale of the wedding night!
    Bercakap kita di akhiran dari di berkawinan kenduri!
  • So you're saying that the Bible's a fairy tale?
    Jadi Anda mengatakan bahwa peri kisah Alkitab?
  • Gwizdo says that life isn't a fairy tale.
    Gwizdo mengatakan bahwa hidup bukanlah suatu dongeng peri.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?"
    Sinonim: fib, story, tarradiddle, taradiddle,

  • a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program; "his narrative was interesting"; "Disney''s stories entertain adults as well as children"
    Sinonim: narrative, narration, story,