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thaddeus of edessa artinya

contoh kalimat "thaddeus of edessa"
  • The reverse of the banknote depicts disciple Thaddeus of Edessa handing the canvas to King Abgar V and his consequent miraculous healing.
    Kebalikan dari uang kertas tersebut menggambarkan murid Thaddaeus menyerahkan kanvas kepada Raja Abgar V dan konsekuen penyembuhan ajaibnya.
  • Instead, one of the seventy disciples, Thaddeus of Edessa, is said to have come to Edessa, bearing the words of Jesus, by the virtues of which the king was miraculously healed.
    Dikisahkan bahwa rasul "Thaddaeus" dikatakan telah datang Edessa, membawa perkataan Yesus, yang secara ajaib menyembuhkan penyakit raja itu.
  • Abgar V is claimed to be one of the first Christian kings in history, having been converted to the faith by Thaddeus of Edessa, one of the seventy disciples.
    Abgar V menurut tradisi Suriah, salah satu dari raja-raja Kristen pertama di dalam sejarah, dikonversikan keyakinannya oleh Rasul Thaddeus dari Edessa.