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twilight artinya

pengucapan: [ 'twailait ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "twilight"
  • I can see the beautiful twilight in the sky.
    Aku bisa melihat senja indah di langit.
  • It's like The Twilight Zone, but it's true.
    Ini seperti The Twilight Zone, tapi ini kenyataan.
  • Who shall call them from the grey twilight?
    Siapa yang akan memanggil mereka dari cahaya temaram?
  • An old man in the twilight of his life.
    Seorang lanjut usia dalam masa senja hidupnya.
  • This is something Princess Twilight must do alone.
    Ini hal yang harus Putri Twilight lakukan sendiri.
  • Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?
    Kenapa Twilight Sparkle mau melakukan hal seperti ini?
  • It feels like we've landed in The Twilight Zone.
    Rasanya seperti kami mendarat di Twilight Zone.
  • Twilight was released domestically on November 21, 2008.
    Twilight dirilis dalam negeri pada 21 November 2008.
  • Twilight is upon me. And soon night must fall.
    Senja sudah menaungiku, dan sebentar lagi malam tiba.
  • Oh, my God. This is like a Twilight Zone.
    Ya Tuhan, seperti berada di dalam keremangan senja.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon but its rays are refracted by the atmosphere of the earth

  • a condition of decline following successes; "in the twilight of the empire"

  • the time of day immediately following sunset; "he loved the twilight"; "they finished before the fall of night"
    Sinonim: dusk, gloaming, gloam, nightfall, evenfall, fall, crepuscule, crepuscle,

  • Kata sifat
  • lighted by or as if by twilight; "The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn"-Henry Fielding; "the twilight glow of the sky"; "a boat on a twilit river"
    Sinonim: dusky, twilit,