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typhoid fever artinya

contoh kalimat "typhoid fever"
  • Died, probably of typhoid fever, aged 18.
    Meninggal, diduga karena demam tifoid, pada usia 18 tahun.
  • Typhoid vaccines are vaccines that prevent typhoid fever.
    Vaksin tifoid adalah vaksin untuk mencegah demam tifoid.
  • Come, I'll torture you like typhoid fever
    Ayo, aku akan menyiksa Anda seperti demam tifoid
  • If it's typhoid fever, we have to burn their bodies.
    Jika demam thyfus, kita harus membakar tubuh mereka.
  • Other diseases, including typhoid fever, were rampant.
    Penyakit lainnya, termasuk demam tifoid, merajalela.
  • These herbs can fight typhoid fever.
    Tumbuhan ini bisa melawan demam thyfus.
  • Could the medicine... stop the typhoid fever?
    Mungkinkah obat... menghentikan demam thypus?
  • Actually, we took the liberty of curing your typhoid fever, Lieutenant Tolkien.
    Sebenarnya, kami mengambil obat demam tipus mu, Letnan Tolkien.
  • Here Edward Sapir lost his younger brother Max to typhoid fever.
    Di sini Edward Sapir kehilangan adiknya Max dikarenakan demam tifoid.
  • SARS, MERS... typhoid fever, Ebola.
    SARS, MERS Demam tifoid, Ebola.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4
    Kata benda
  • serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or water
    Sinonim: typhoid, enteric fever,