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vena artinya

kata benda plural: venae   
contoh kalimat "vena"
  • Vena! We're getting you out of here, stay close.
    Aku akan mengeluarkanmu, tetap di dekatku.
  • If she gives us Vena in exchange, that's all that matters.
    Yang penting dia mau menukarnya dengan Vena.
  • Give me some. Because leaving here without Vena isn't one of them.
    Karena pergi tanpa Vena bukanlah pilihan.
  • You give Simon to his sister, you bring Vena home safe.
    Berikan Simon pada kakaknya. Bawa pulang Vena dengan selamat.
  • Let's get Vena home to Leath.
    Ayo bawa Vena pulang ke Leith.
  • The aorta, the vena cava.
    Batang nadi, vena manusia.
  • The Vena System Review February 2, 2017
    The Vena Sistem Ulasan Februari 2, 2017
  • The Vena System Review February 2, 2017
    The Rubix Project Ulasan Februari 2, 2017
  • Bunny Rogers, Trisha Baga, Ned Vena, Lu Yang, Jeanette Mundt
    Trisha Baga, Jeanette Mundt, Bunny Rogers, Timur Si-Qin, Ned Vena
  • Vena from - Quick homemade anal sex clip 11282
    vena dari fuckdatecom - cepat buatan sendiri dubur seks klip 11801
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart; "all veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood"
    Sinonim: vein, venous blood vessel,