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winter artinya

pengucapan: [ 'wintə ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: wintered   kata kerja past continuous: wintered   kata benda plural: winters   kata kerja present continuous: wintering   
contoh kalimat "winter"
  • The Limpopo sun gets really hot in winter.
    Matahari di Limpopo sangat terik di musim dingin.
  • Mr. De Winter is having some coffee with me.
    Tn. De Winter akan minum kopi bersamaku.
  • She's spoiled, Mr. De Winter, that's her trouble.
    Dia anak manja, Tn. De Winter, itulah masalahnya.
  • Oh, yes, I know Mr. De Winter well.
    Oh, ya, aku kenal baik Tn. De Winter.
  • It was a Christmas present from Mr. De Winter.
    Ini hadiah Natal dari Tn. De Winter.
  • Ben, have you seen Mr. De Winter anywhere?
    Ben, kau tahu di mana Tn. De Winter?
  • I will blanket the city in endless winter!
    Aku akan menurunkan salju dikota ini terus menerus!
  • The rest'll freeze to death from nuclear winter.
    Sisanya akan mati beku dari musim dingin nuklir.
  • Those things could probably survive a nuclear winter.
    Barang2 itu mungkin bisa bertahan sampai jaman nuklir.
  • Like what? A nuclear winter?
    Aku tak tahu apa kau mau melanjutkan hubungan kita atau tidak.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the coldest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox
    Sinonim: wintertime,

  • Kata kerja
  • spend the winter; "We wintered on the Riviera"; "Shackleton''s men overwintered on Elephant Island"
    Sinonim: overwinter,