epitomized artinya
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- The "bad boy" image of the 1950s was epitomized by sex symbols such as James Dean and Marlon Brando.
Citra "bad boy" pada 1950an dicetuskan oleh James Dean dan Marlon Brando. - And I thought that epitomized perfectly what everybody thought animation had to be at the time.
Dan saya pikir itu melambangkan dengan sempurna apa yang dipikirkan semua orang tentang animasi saat itu. - The controversy was epitomized with the existence of a language area in the brain, nowadays known as the Broca's area.
Kontroversi tersebut melambangkan adanya area bahasa di otak, yang sekarang dikenal sebagai area Broca. - Such expressions are epitomized by "La Marseillaise", the Portuguese fado, and "Hino da Maria da Fonte" (The Maria da Fonte anthem).
Ekspresi-ekspresi seperti itu bisa dicontoh dari La Marseillaise, fado Portugal, dan Hino da Maria da Fonte (Himne Maria da Fonte). - His first term in office saw continuous economic growth, epitomized by the opening of the National Water Carrier system in 1964.
Istilah pertama Eshkol saat menjabat bahwa dia melihat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkesinambungan, dicontohkan oleh pembukaan sistem Pengangkut Air Nasional pada tahun 1964.