photometer artinya
pengucapan: [ fəu'tɔmitə ]Audio contoh photometer
- bench photometer: fotometer rel
- distribution photometer: fotometer agihan
- flicker photometer: fotometer kerdip
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- National Sigma upgrade model AS823 digital illuminance meter handheld illuminance meter brightness meter photometer
Xima AS813 Illuminance Meter Digital Illuminance Meter Photometer Meter Light Meter Lumen Luminance - New product UNITED UT383 illuminance meter illuminance meter digital illuminance meter brightness meter photometer tester
Xima AS813 Illuminance Meter Digital Illuminance Meter Photometer Meter Light Meter Lumen Luminance - Until 2013 the photometer pointed to a field in the northern constellations of Cygnus, Lyra and Draco, which is well out of the ecliptic plane, so that sunlight never enters the photometer as the spacecraft orbits.
Fotometer itu mengarah ke medan di rasi bintang utara dari Cygnus, Lyra dan Draco, yang cukup melenceng dari bidang ekliptika, sehingga sinar Matahari tidak pernah memasuki fotometer itu selama wahana itu mengorbit Matahari. - Until 2013 the photometer pointed to a field in the northern constellations of Cygnus, Lyra and Draco, which is well out of the ecliptic plane, so that sunlight never enters the photometer as the spacecraft orbits.
Fotometer itu mengarah ke medan di rasi bintang utara dari Cygnus, Lyra dan Draco, yang cukup melenceng dari bidang ekliptika, sehingga sinar Matahari tidak pernah memasuki fotometer itu selama wahana itu mengorbit Matahari. - Have you ever felt that sometimes you follow protocols but you find that you do not really understand what the photometer reading tells you? If you have ever had any of these concerns, then this detection clinic serves to address
Pernahkah Anda merasa bahwa kadang-kadang Anda mengikuti protokol tetapi Anda menemukan bahwa Anda tidak benar-benar memahami apa yang diperlihatkan fotometer? Jika Anda pernah memiliki masalah ini, maka klinik deteksi ini berfungsi untuk mengatasinya.