bincang bahasa Inggris
- berbincang-bincang: talk; hash out; talk over; verbalise; speak; utter; verbalize; talk about; contend; mouth; fence; discuss; talking; argue; debate; discourse
- bincang berpidato: talk; speak
- ruang bincang: chat room
- Baca juga: <Sebelumnya Berikutnya>
- Nick isn't interested in talking to you.
Nick tidak tertarik berbincang - bincang denganmu - OK, well, it's been lovely to chat, Richard
Ok, yah, senang berbincang- bincang, Richard - Do you have to consult May?
Tak perlu bincang dulu dengan Ah May? - Yeah, I think it's time we had a little chat with Jay.
Yah, kurasa kita harus bincang dengan Jay. - We even have almost-conversations sometimes.
Kami bahkan terkadang hampir berbincang - bincang.