gencatan bahasa Inggris
- retardation
- truce
- termination
- cease-fire
- interval
- rest
- pause
- armistice
- recess
- interlude
- respite
- break
- intermission
- repose
- lull
- gencatan senjata: armistice; cease fire; disarm; disarmament; truce; ceasefire; cease-fire
- gencatan senjata cassibile: armistice of cassibile
- gencatan senjata dengan bulgaria: armistice of salonica
- Baca juga: <Sebelumnya Berikutnya>
- ...the whole point is to focus on the ceasefire.
...tujuan utamanya adl fokus pada gencatan senjata. - I wrote you a letter just after the armistice.
Aku menulis surat padamu setelah gencatan senjata. - The city-states should negotiate a truce. Yes, yes, we must negotiate.
Kita perlu merundingkan gencatan senjata. - Violation of this truce will be punishable by death.
Pelanggaran gencatan senjata ini akan dihukum mati. - I don't have the power to call a truce.
Aku tak punya kuasa melakukan gencatan senjata.