kesedihan bahasa Inggris
- bereavement
- dampness
- distress
- dumps
- heartbreak
- lamentation
- melancholy
- sadness
- sorrow
- woe
- anguish
- dejection
- desolation
- despondency
- discontentment
- dolefulness
- gloom
- glumness
- grief
- heartache
- misery
- mourning
- pitifulness
- plaintiveness
- sorrowfulness
- tearfulness
- unhappiness
- woefulness
- compunction
- contrition
- chagrin
- suffering
- depression
- brokenheartedness
- oppressiveness
- bitterness
- lugubriousness
- mortification
- dissatisfaction
- gloominess
- rue
- dolor
- regret
- remorse
- commiseration
- ruth
- despair
- desperation
- ruefulness
- pathos
- dolour
- humiliation
- great depression
- pity
- oppression
- kesedihan mendalam: anguish
- menyebabkan kesedihan: cast a damp over; strike a damp over
- penuh kesedihan: woeful
- Baca juga: <Sebelumnya Berikutnya>
- Grandma, you've been through a lot because of me.
Nenek sudah melalui banyak kesedihan karena aku. - Why this sorrow for a still born?
Mengapa kesedihan ini masih lahir? Berdoalah minta anak lagi! - Only a woman can understand a woman's sorrows!
Hanya seorang wanita dapat memahami kesedihan seorang wanita! - You saved me a lot of grief back there.
Anda menyelamatkan saya banyak kesedihan di sana. - Can't you feel their pain and their suffering?
Tidak bisakah kau merasakan kesedihan dan penderitaan mereka?