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- You confessed that Agent Keen was present when the harbormaster was killed and that she deliberately covered up his death.
Anda mengaku bahwa Agen Keen berada di sana saat si komendur tewas. ...dan bahwa ia sengaja menutupi kematiannya. - Please tell the US attorney exactly what you told me about Agent Elizabeth Keen's involvement in the murder of DC Harbormaster Eugene Ames.
Tolong beri tahu jaksa AS persisnya apa yang Anda katakan padaku... tentang keterlibatan agen Elizabeth Keen dalam pembunuhan komendur DC, Eugene Ames. - I would like to, Detective, but as I told you, the reason I came into contact with the harbormaster-- t-the case I was working on at the time-- it's classified.
Saya ingin, Detektif, tapi seperti yang saya katakan, alasan saya berhubungan kontak dengan si komendur kasus yang saya kerjakan waktu itu... itu diklasifikasikan.