menggalakkan bahasa Inggris
- encourage
- propel
- cause
- set off
- deepen
- heighten
- inflame
- get
- disturb
- advance
- shake up
- hike
- heat
- abet
- favour
- move
- cheer
- urge
- actuate
- boost
- compound
- pep up
- further
- make
- have
- instigate
- vex
- favorable
- barrack
- ignite
- stir up
- stimulate
- fire up
- wake
- prompt
- promote
- root on
- encouraging
- spur
- favourable
- privilege
- positive
- egg on
- supercharge
- exhort
- urge on
- incite
- raise up
- agitate
- inspire
- nurture
- prod
- foment
- favor
- foster
- intensify
- induce
- hike up
- motivate
- commove
- goad
- Baca juga: <Sebelumnya Berikutnya>
- After World War II Australia encouraged immigration from mainland Europe.
Setelah Perang Dunia II Australia menggalakkan imigrasi dari Eropa. - He was anti-Roman and stirred anti-Roman feelings around Macedonia.
Ia adalah sosok anti-Romawi yang menggalakkan sentimen anti-Romawi di Makedonia. - We're hosting conversations that promote mutual understanding and hopefully change minds.
Kami memfasilitasi perbincangan yang menggalakkan pemahaman bersama... dan harapannya merubah pandangan. - Through the newspaper Saldin sought to promote Malay culture and language.
Melalui suratkabar ini, Saldin berusaha untuk menggalakkan budaya dan bahasa Melayu. - Pheu Thai campaigned with a slogan of "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts".
Pheu Thai menggalakkan kampanye dengan slogan "Thaksin Berpikir, Pheu Thai Melakukannya".