orang pelit bahasa Inggris
- orang: folk; guy; man; men; person; the people of;
- pelit: as close as a vise; close-fisted; meanly;
- pelit: as close as a vise; close-fisted; meanly; miserly; penurious; stingy; meagre; chintzy; avaricious; ungenerous; cheapskate; moneygrubbing; meager; scrimpy; chinchy; meagerly; cash-hungry; closefisted
- Baca juga: <Sebelumnya
- Give my cloak back to me. Were I to have camels equal to the number of these trees, I would distribute them all among you, and you would not have found me a miser, a liar, or a coward
Kembalikan serbanku. Andaikan aku memiliki unta sebanyak duri pohon ini (pohon Samurah) pastilah aku akan membagikannya kepada kalian, kemudian kalian tidak akan mendapatiku sebagai orang pelit, pendusta, maupun pengecut - Give my cloak back to me. Were I to have camels equal to the number of these trees, I would distribute them all among you, and you would not have found me a miser, a liar, or a coward.
Kembalikan serbanku. Andaikan aku memiliki unta sebanyak duri pohon ini (pohon Samurah) pastilah aku akan membagikannya kepada kalian, kemudian kalian tidak akan mendapatiku sebagai orang pelit, pendusta, maupun pengecut