contoh kalimat rugged
- Lebih banyak contoh: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- Rugged texture that preserves and protects your floors
Tekstur kasar yang melindungi dan melindungi lantai Anda - Quilted comfort on the inside, rugged nylon outside
Berlapis kenyamanan di dalam, nilon kasar di luar - 1, Rugged metal case, slim and nice design.
1, kasus logam kasar, desain ramping dan bagus. - 4. Epoxy encapsulation, rugged, small size, fast response
4. Enkapsulasi epoksi, kasar, ukuran kecil, respon cepat - rugged android tablet – Quality Supplier from China
rugged android tablet – kualitas pemasok dari Cina