contoh kalimat guru agama
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- Five years before the proclamation of Indonesian independence, the Islamic Religious Teachers Association (PGAI) in Padang founded the Islamic High School (STI).
Lima tahun sebelum proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia, Persatuan Guru Agama Islam (PGAI) di Padang mendirikan Sekolah Tinggi Islam (STI). - The students requires the ongoing guidance of their religious teacher, in order not to go astray or developing false or radical ideas.
Para santri memerlukan bimbingan dari guru agama mereka agar tidak tersesat sehingga mengembangkan paham yang salah atau radikal. - We heard from the wife of the Islamic teacher who used to work in Luro that she is possibly in Surabaya.
Kami mendengar dari istri guru agama yang dulu bekerja di Lura bahwa sekarang dia mungkin berada di Surabaya. - Wasyid obtained first education like a basic religious science from his father who was also a fighter and religious teacher.
Ki Wasyid memperoleh pendidikan perdana seperti ilmu agama dasar dari ayahnya, Kiai Muhammad Abbas yang juga seorang pejuang dan guru agama. - In education field I also found the vacancy of Christian’s teachers were being left deliberately in government schools and they …
Di bidang pendidikan, aku juga menemukan sekolah-sekolah negeri sengaja dibiarkan tidak memiliki guru agama Kristen, ruang belajar agama seadanya. Murid …