contoh kalimat mi instan
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- Cup Noodles Museum exhibit the history of instant noodles including hands on experiences. Visitors can design their own cup noodles for small fee.
Museum Cup Noodle memamerkan sejarah mi instan. Pengunjung juga bisa mendesain mie instan sendiri dengan biaya yang sedikit. - Instant noodles have become part of people's daily lives throughout the world. And the instant noodles industry is foraying into ever-newer markets with resounding success.
Mi instan telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Industri mi instan sendiri berhasil berkembang di pasar yang dinamis. - Instant noodles have become part of people's daily lives throughout the world. And the instant noodles industry is foraying into ever-newer markets with resounding success.
Mi instan telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Industri mi instan sendiri berhasil berkembang di pasar yang dinamis. - You can see the history of each instant noodle product that was developed over the years as well as find various types of instant noodles from all over the world.
Kalian bisa melihat sejarah setiap mi instan, dan menemukan berbagai macam jenis mi instan dari seluruh dunia di museum ini! - You can see the history of each instant noodle product that was developed over the years as well as find various types of instant noodles from all over the world.
Kalian bisa melihat sejarah setiap mi instan, dan menemukan berbagai macam jenis mi instan dari seluruh dunia di museum ini!