contoh kalimat tearfulness
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- Somatisation (kadestetichesky) dysthymia is noted complaints of satisfactory health, shortness of breath, palpitations, constipation, poor sleep, tearfulness, depression, anxiety, sadness, burning sensation in the larynx, intestines, cold under the spoon. Gradually, external events no longer affect the dynamics of clinical manifestations.
Distomia somatisation (kadestetichesky) tercatat keluhan kesehatan yang memuaskan, sesak napas, jantung berdebar, sembelit, kurang tidur, menangis, depresi, kegelisahan, kesedihan, sensasi terbakar di laring, usus, dingin di bawah sendok. Secara bertahap, peristiwa eksternal tidak lagi memengaruhi dinamika manifestasi klinis.