contoh kalimat schooler
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- So, I saw this documentary once about this high schooler who could grow all this really thick hair all over his body, if he concentrated really, really hard on it.
Jadi, aku pernah melihat film dokumentasi tentang anak SMA yang mampu menumbuhkan rambut yang sangat tebal di sekujur tubuhnya kalau dia benar-benar berkonsentrasi pada hal itu. - He played in the 2009 Reebok All-American preview game, and was a member of both the United Celtics (NC) AAU Team and the New Jersey Panthers AAU team as a high schooler.
Dia bermain di game pratinjau Reebok All-American 2009, dan menjadi anggota Tim AAU United Celtics (NC) dan tim AAU Panther New Jersey sebagai siswa sekolah menengah atas. - Ashton Simmonds was born on April 5, 1995 in Oshawa, Ontario, the second eldest of four children to Caribbean parents Hollace and Norwill Simmonds, a gospel singer who released his first album as a high schooler in Jamaica.
Ashton Simmonds lahir pada 5 April 1995 di Oshawa, Ontario, sebagai anak kedua dari empat bersaudara dari pasangan Hollace dan Norwill Simmonds, seorang penyanyi musik gospel. - The judges for this year's Regionals competition are local broadcasting legend Rod Remington (Bill A. Jones), Tea Party candidate and home schooler Tammy Jean Albertson (Kathy Griffin), and former exotic dancer Sister Mary Constance (Loretta Devine).
Regionals tiba, dan yang menjadi juri kali ini adalah Rod Remington (Bill A. Jones), pembawa acara TV lokal; Tammy Jean Albertson (Kathy Griffin), seorang kandidat Tea Party; dan Suster Mary Constance (Loretta Devine), mantan penari. - And yet, in a study conducted by the Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics, one out of every three high schooler surveyed admitted to using the internet to plagiarize an assignment. And things don't fare better at the university level either.
Namun, di a penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics, satu dari setiap tiga siswa sekolah menengah disurvei mengaku menggunakan internet untuk menjiplak tugas. Dan hal-hal tidak berjalan lebih baik di tingkat universitas juga.