contoh kalimat diversionary
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- Following Colonel Evans Carlson's diversionary Makin Island raid of August 1942, the Japanese command was made aware of the vulnerability and strategic significance of the Gilbert Islands.
Menyusul serangan pengalihan Kolonel Evans Carlson ke Pulau Makin pada bulan Agustus 1942, pimpinan Jepang menjadi sadar akan kerentanan dan pentingnya Kepulauan Gilbert secara strategis. - Double Cross agents, such as the Spaniard Juan Pujol (code-named Garbo), played an important role in convincing the German High Command that Normandy was at best a diversionary attack.
Double Cross, seperti Joan Pujol (ber nama kode Garbo), memainkan peran penting dalam meyakinkan Komando Tinggi Jerman bahwa Normandia adalah serangan pengalih perhatian terbaik. - A diversionary attack was to be carried out at the front entrance, while the main force would break through the wall from the neighbouring Work Office and attack from the side.
Serangan pengalihan harus dilakukan di depan pintu masuk, sementara kekuatan utama akan menerobos dinding dari Kantor yang ada disebelahnya dan menyerang dari samping. - The overriding belief within the Swedish government was that any invasion of Norway would be diversionary, and that the European mainland would always be the main target of the Allies.
Keyakinan utama dalam pemerintah Swedia adalah bahwa setiap invasi ke Norwegia akan menjadi pengalih perhatian, dan bahwa daratan Eropa akan selalu menjadi target utama Sekutu. - Spruance's decision in this matter, although subsequently criticized, was certainly justified; by this point in the war, it was well-known that Japanese operational plans frequently relied on the use of decoys and diversionary forces.
Keputusan Spruance, walau kemudian banyak dikritik, jelas beralasan; pada saat itu Jepang sudah dikenal sangat tergantung pada satuan pengecoh dan penipu.