contoh kalimat barkley
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- Former Vice President and Senator Alben Barkley dies during a speech in Virginia. He collapses after proclaiming "I would rather be a servant in the house of the lord than sit in the seats of the mighty." (30. April 1956)
Mantan Wakil Presiden dan Senator Alben Barkley meninggal dalam pidatonya di Virginia. Dia ambruk setelah menyatakan "Saya lebih suka menjadi hamba di rumah tuan daripada duduk di kursi yang perkasa." (30. bulan april 1956) - Manchester City returns home for a matchup with all-so-familiar Chelsea who are currently not in the top four. Chelsea -- still missing Ross Barkley -- will look for their first road victory in over a month.
Manchester City akan kembali ke gelanggang kandang, untuk melawan tim yang sangat dikenal, Chelsea, yang kini tidak masuk top empat. Chelsea – yang masih tanpa Ross Barkley – akan berusaha untuk menang lagi, setelah tanpa kemenangan selama sebulan lebih. - Before the season, several commentators, including Bill Simmons and Dick Vitale, predicted that Yao would fail in the NBA, and Charles Barkley said he would "kiss ass" if Yao scored more than 19 points in one of his rookie-season games.
Sebelum musim tersebut, beberapa komentator, termasuk Bill Simmons dan Dick Vitale, memperkirakan bahwa Yao akan gagal di NBA, dan Charles Barkley berkata bahwa ia akan "mencium pantat " jika Yao mendapatkan lebih dari 19 poin dalam salah satu pertandingan musim awalnya. - According to research psychologist Russell Barkley, the New Age movement has yet to produce empirical evidence of the existence of indigo children, as the traits most commonly attributed to them are closely aligned with the Forer effect—so vague that they could describe nearly anyone.
Menurut psikolog Russell Barkley, pergerakan Zaman Baru belum menghasilkan satu bukti pun mengenai keberadaan anak indigo, dan 17 sifat yang dikaitkan dengan anak indigo itu merupakan efek Forer (atau dalam kata lain, terlalu umum sehingga dapat dikaitkan dengan banyak orang).