contoh kalimat jurist
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- The Constituent Assembly has elected as provisional head of the republic, after... only a few sessions, the Neapolitan jurist and politician Enrico De Nicola.
MajelisKonstituantetelahterpilihsebagaikepala republik sementara , setelah... hanyabeberapasesi,Neapolitan ahli hukum dan politisi Enrico De Nicola - 1884 – 1974) was an eminent Indian jurist, who became the first and longest serving Attorney General for India (1950–1963).
1884 - 1974) adalah seorang yuris India berpengaruh, yang menjadi Jaksa Agung India (1950–1963) pertama dan terlama. - The whole series is cited by scholars and jurists as an authoritative interpretation and explication of the meaning of the Constitution.
Seluruh seri di-"cite" oleh para pelajar dan juris sebagai interpretasi otoritatif dan "explication" arti dari Konstitusi. - Based on a hadith, jurists stipulated that hudud punishments should be averted by the slightest doubts or ambiguities (shubuhat).
Berdasarkan hadits, ahli hukum menetapkan bahwa hudud hukuman harus dihindari oleh sedikitpun keraguan atau ambiguitas (syubuhat, tungg. syubhat). - In a shift away from its declaration that the government would not include a supreme Islamic clerical ruler, the Ayatollah has claimed that the Guardianship of Islamic Jurists
Perjalanan perubahan dalampernyataannya bahwapemerintah tidakakanmelibatkan panglimaislamtertinggi ulama, Ayatullahtelahmengklaim bahwaperwalian dariparaahlihukumIslam-