contoh kalimat don't don
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- In the fall of 2007, the group released their second album, Don't Don, which became Super Junior's best-selling album and Korea's second best-selling album of the year.
Pada akhir 2007, kelompok merilis album studio kedua, Don't Don, yang menjadi penjualan album terbaik dari Super Junior dan penjualan album terbaik kedua di Korea pada tahun itu. - Super Junior-M member Henry performed the violin bridge of "Don't Don" of every show, and along with Zhou Mi, performed with the rest of Super Junior-M in the China tour stops.
Member Super Junior-M Henry memainkan biola di lagu "Don't Don" di semua rangkaian konser, bersama dengan Zhou Mi, tampil dengan Super Junior-M di tur Tiongkok. - Promotions for "Don't Don" lasted almost three months and aside Music Bank, Super Junior also performed on other music programs, such as on SBS's Popular Songs and M.NET's M!
Promosi untuk "Don't Don" berlangsung hampir tiga bulan dan selain Music Bank, Super Junior juga tampil dalam program musik lainnya, seperti di SBS Popular Songs dan Mnet M! - The musical style of "Don't Don" has the combination of heavy guitar riffs, fast drum rhythms, electric guitar, a violin solo, and other musical instruments that make the single a rare musical.
Gaya musik "Don't Don" memiliki kombinasi berat gitar riff, irama drum cepat, gitar listrik, sebuah biola solo, dan alat musik lainnya yang membuat satu musikal langka.