contoh kalimat neoklasik
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- The design contains eclectic elements from the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical styles, blended with traditional Ottoman architecture to create a new synthesis.
Desainnya mengandung elemen eklektik dari gaya Barok, Rococo, dan Neoklasik, berpadu dengan arsitektur tradisional Ottoman untuk menciptakan sintesis baru. - The neoclassical, Georgian, gothic, and modern architectural styles are all reflected among those six structures and many other prominent edifices in Washington.
Gaya arsitektur neoklasik, Georgian, gothik, dan modern terwakili di antara keenam struktur tersebut dan berbagai monumen terkenal di Washington. - Avtovo has as its entrance vestibule a large Neoclassical building with a domed cupola, located on the east side of Prospekt Stachek .
Pintu masuk stasiun Avtovo adalah gedung bergaya Neoklasik dengan kupola berbentuk kubah, terletak di sisi timur Prospekt Stachek. - Marxian economics provided a foundation for socialism based on analysis of capitalism, while neoclassical economics and evolutionary economics provided comprehensive models of socialism.
Ekonomi Marxis menyediakan fondasi bagi sosialisme tentang analisis kapitalisme, sedangkan ekonomi neoklasik dan ekonomi revolusioner menyediakan model komprehensif sosialisme. - Variations of market socialism include libertarian proposals such as mutualism, based on classical economics, and neoclassical economic models such as the Lange Model.
Variasi sosialisme pasar termasuk anjuran libertarian seperti mutualisme yang berbasis pada ekonomi klasik, dan model ekonomi neoklasik seperti Model Lange.