1280s artinya
- 1280s bc: 1280-an sm
- 1280s births: kelahiran 1280-an
- 1280s deaths: kematian 1280-an
- In the early 1280s Bogislaw was involved in the war in the neighbouring margraviate of Brandenburg.
Pada awal tahun 1280-an Bogusław terlibat dalam perang di negara tetangga Markgrafschaft Brandenburg. - The Gherardeschi reached their height in Pisa in the person of Ugolino della Gherardesca in the 1270s and 1280s.
Gherardeschi mencapai puncak kejayaan mereka di Pisa di bawah pimpinan Ugolino della Gherardesca pada tahun 1270 dan 1280. - With support from the pope and Holy Roman Emperor, the Teutons conquered and converted the Prussians by the 1280s and shifted their attention to the pagan Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Dengan dukungan Paus dan Kaisar Romawi Suci, Teuton menaklukan dan memaksa orang Prusia memeluk agama Katolik pada tahun 1280-an. - In the second half of the 1280s, Bolko I tried to avoid the dangers from the rising power of Henry IV Probus and began to approach the King Wenceslaus II of Bohemia.
Pada pertengahan tahun kedua 1280, Bolko I mencoba untuk menghindari bahaya dari meningkatnya kekuasaan Henryk IV Probus dan mulai mendekati Raja Wenceslaus II dari Bohemia. - The kingdom went into decline in the 13th century as the continuous growth of tax-free religious wealth—by the 1280s, two-thirds of Upper Burma's cultivable land had been alienated to the religion—affected the crown's ability to retain the loyalty of courtiers and military servicemen.
Kerajaan Pagan terpuruk pada abad ke-13 akibat semakin banyaknya tanah bebas pajak yang didermakan — pada era 1280-an, dua pertiga lahan subur di kawasan Birma Hulu telah didermakan bagi kepentingan agama, sehingga berdampak buruk bagi kemampuan kerajaan dalam mempertahankan kesetiaan para pejabat dan prajuritnya.