
1340s artinya

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  1. Since the 1340s the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty experienced problems.
    Sejak tahun 1340-an, Dinasti Yuan Mongol mengalami berbagai masalah.
  2. Lasting for several centuries, the kingdom fell to the Mongol invasions in the 13th century, but managed to re-assert sovereignty by the 1340s.
    Kerajaan tersebut runtuh pada saat invasi Mongol pada abad ke-13, namun kembali menjadi negara berdaulat pada 1340an.
  3. Marzipan in many forms was well known in Italy and southern France by the 1340s and is assumed to be of Arab origin.
    Marzipan dalam berbagai bentuknya terkenal di Italia dan selatan Prancis pada sekitar tahun 1340-an, dan diasumsikan berasal dari Arab.
  4. He was involved in the theological dispute surrounding the doctrine of Uncreated Light between Gregory Palamas and Barlaam of Calabria in the 1340s.
    Dia terlibat dalam perselisihan teologis seputar doktrin Cahaya yang Tidak Diciptakan antara Gregorius Palamas dan Barlaam dari Seminara pada tahun 1340-an.
  5. Starting in Asia, the disease reached Mediterranean and western Europe during the late 1340s, and killed tens of millions of Europeans in six years; between a third and a half of the population perished.
    Bermula di Asia, wabah tersebut mencapai Mediterania dan Eropa Barat selama akhir 1340-an, dan membunuh 10 juta orang Eropa dalam enam tahun; antara sepertiga hingga setengah populasi Eropa.

Kata lain

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  5. "1340 deaths" artinya
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  7. "1340s bc births" artinya
  8. "1340s births" artinya
  9. "1340s deaths" artinya
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