
1590s artinya

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  1. During the 1590s, some of the great names of English literature entered their maturity, including William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.
    Selama tahun 1590-an, beberapa pujangga besar telah mencapai kematangan, termasuk William Shakespeare dan Christopher Marlowe.
  2. In the 1590s, over 50,000 Koreans were forcibly brought to Japan, where they intermarried with the local population.
    Pada 1590an, lebih dari 50,000 orang Korea secara paksa didatangkan ke Jepang, dimana mereka menikah dengan penduduk lokal.
  3. Factional strife in the government, which had not existed in a noteworthy form before the 1590s, now became its hallmark.
    Perseteruan antar faksi di pemerintahan, yang tidak perlu diperhatikan sebelum tahun 1590-an, kini menjadi masalah serius.
  4. One of the causes for this "second reign" of Elizabeth, as it is sometimes called, was the changed character of Elizabeth's governing body, the privy council in the 1590s.
    Salah satu penyebab "masa kekuasaan kedua" Elizabeth ini adalah berubahnya karakter badan pemerintahan Elizabeth pada tahun 1590-an.
  5. By the late 1590s, his championing of native Scottish tradition was reduced to some extent by the increasing likelihood of his succession to the English throne.
    Pada akhir tahun 1590-an, ia memperjuangkan tradisi pribumi Skotlandia dikurangi sampai batas tertentu oleh kemungkinan peningkatan suksesi ke takhta Inggris.

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